Standard Two
2.1.1 Age-appropriate strategies are used to engage with children, seek their views about what makes them feel safe; and enable them to participate in decisions that affect them.
2.1.2 Adults at risk (or carers where appropriate) are engaged to provide their views about decisions which affect them, what makes them feel safe and to contribute to safeguarding approaches.
2.1.3 The organisation makes children and adults at risk aware of their rights, including their right to be safe from abuse, and who to contact if they are concerned about their safety or the safety of others.
2.2.1 Children are provided with age appropriate information about safe and respectful peer relationships.
2.3.1 Adults at risk (or their carers where appropriate), are provided with information about safe and respectful relationships.
2.4.1 Children and families are provided with information, access and/or referral to abuse prevention programs, appropriate to the child’s age, development, ability, and level of understanding.