Panel Member – Mr Jeffrey Hack
National Appeals and Review Panel
Mr Jeffrey Hack
Jeff is a former South Australia Police (SAPOL) Detective with over 40 years’ experience in justice administration specialising in child abuse policy, training and development. Whilst attached to the Public Protection Branch as Child Protection Portfolio officer, he developed and implemented corporate policy and training for the newly enacted Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017, SAPOL’s Child Safe Environments compliance, the whole of government Workplace Equality and Respect Project and the White Ribbon Workplace accreditation.
In March 2020, Jeff led a review to make recommendations with regard to SAPOL Child Abuse Prescribed Interviewer training best practice framework to provide SAPOL child abuse investigators with requisite skills and knowledge to conduct prescribed interviews of vulnerable victims and witnesses (including children and young people) in accordance with legislative and best practice requirements.
After retiring from SAPOL in November 2022, he has continued to work with the Department for Child Protection as a Lead Project officer and more recently with the Department for Premier and Cabinet as a Principal Policy Officer.