How to report a concern in your state or territory

This page contains information about government and Church reporting contacts in each state and territory.

Complaints against a Church Authority

A Church Authority is a Bishop, Australian Major Superior or the Canonical Steward. If your complaint is against a Church Authority you can contact ACSL.

Information on how to make a complaint to ACSL about a Church Authority can be found here.

Reviewing the outcome of a complaint managed by a Church Authority

ACSL can assist in reviewing a complaint managed by a Church Authority.

Information on how to request a review can be found here.

To report a concern about a cleric or religious (non-Church Authority):

Australian Capital Territory


Call Police on 000 if a child or adult at risk is in imminent danger.

Reporting Authority

Child and Youth Protection Services

General Public Phone: 1300 556 729

Mandated Reporters Phone: 1300 556 728

Complaints against clergy and religious

If your complaint is associated with any other Catholic entity within the ACT, please contact the Catholic entity directly.

New South Wales


Call Police on 000 if a child or adult at risk is in imminent danger.

Reporting Authority

Department of Family and Community Services

Phone: 13 21 11

Complaints against clergy and religious 

If your complaint is associated with any other Catholic entity within NSW, please contact the Catholic entity directly.

Northern Territory


Call Police on 000 if a child or adult at risk is in imminent danger.

Reporting Authority

Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Phone: 1800 700 250

Complaints against clergy and religious

If your complaint is against clergy and religious (other than a Church Authority) associated with the Diocese of Darwin please contact:

Contact:             Tanja Stojadinovic

Position:             Director, SA and NT, Professional Standards Office

Phone:                08 8210 8275



If your complaint is associated with any other Catholic entity within the Northern Territory, please contact the Catholic entity directly.



Call Police on 000 if a child or adult at risk is in imminent danger.

Reporting Authority

Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs

Phone: 1800 177 135 or 07 3235 9999

Complaints against clergy and religious

If your complaint is against clergy and religious (other than a Church Authority) associated with the Archdiocese of Brisbane, Diocese of Cairns, Diocese of Rockhampton, Diocese of Toowoomba or Diocese of Townsville, please contact:

Contact:             Christine Kelly

Position:             Director, Professional Standards Office

Phone:                 07 3324 3070



If your complaint is associated with any other Catholic entity within Queensland, please contact the Catholic entity directly.

South Australia


Call Police on 000 if a child or adult at risk is in imminent danger.

Reporting Authority

Department for Child Protection

Phone: 13 14 78

Complaints against clergy and religious

If your complaint is against clergy and religious (other than a Church Authority) associated with the Archdiocese of Adelaide or Diocese of Port Pirie please contact:

Contact:               Archdiocese of Adelaide Integrity and Professional Standards Team

Phone:                 08 8210 8150



If your complaint is associated with any other Catholic entity within South Australia, please contact the Catholic entity directly.



Call Police on 000 if a child or adult at risk is in imminent danger.

Reporting Authority

Department of Communities Tasmania

Phone: 1800 000 123

Complaints against clergy and religious

If your complaint is against clergy and religious (other than a Church Authority) associated with the Archdiocese of Hobart please contact:

Contact:              Jacqueline Highfield

Position:             Director, Tasmanian Office of Professional Standards

Phone:                0409 962 042



If your complaint is associated with any other Catholic entity within Tasmania, please contact the Catholic entity directly.



Call Police on 000 if a child or adult at risk is in imminent danger.

Reporting Authority

Department of Health and Human Services

Phone: 13 12 78

Complaints against clergy and religious

If your complaint is against clergy and religious (other than a Church Authority) associated with any Victorian diocese please contact:

Contact:             Pathways Victoria

Phone:                03 7064 3940



If your complaint is associated with any other Catholic entity within Victoria, please contact the Catholic entity directly.

Western Australia


Call Police on 000 if a child or adult at risk is in imminent danger.

Reporting Authority

Department of Communities, Child Protection and Family Support

Phone: 1800 273 889

Complaints against clergy and religious

If your complaint is against clergy and religious (other than a Church Authority) associated with the Archdiocese of Perth, Diocese of Broome, Diocese of Bunbury or Diocese of Geraldton please contact:

Contact:             Saxon Gee

Position:            Director, Professional Standards

Phone:               08 9221 7762 or 1800 072 390



If your complaint is associated with any other Catholic entity within Western Australia, please contact the Catholic entity directly.